American Association of School Librarians
Information Technology Pathfinders Award
Established in 1985 (as the Microcomputer in the Media Center Award), the award recognizes and honors a school library media specialist demonstrating vision and leadership through the use of information technology to build lifelong learners. This award, $1,000 to the school library media specialist and $500 to the library, is given in two categories--elementary (K-6) and secondary (7-12). Applicants must be AASL personal members.
Established in 1985 (as the Microcomputer in the Media Center Award), the award recognizes and honors a school library media specialist demonstrating vision and leadership through the use of information technology to build lifelong learners. This award, $1,000 to the school library media specialist and $500 to the library, is given in two categories--elementary (K-6) and secondary (7-12). Applicants must be AASL personal members.