Barnes & Nobel - Local Sponsorships and Donations - Alternative Resource
Barnes & Noble – Local Sponsorships and Donations – Alternative Resource
Barnes & Nobel does not have a grant program; however, they will offer a limited number of local sponsorships and organizations that meet their mission. This may be a good partnership opportunity. Applications are submitted to the local area store. Information about sponsorship and donation policies can be located at:
An overview of their program is as follows from their web site:
"As part of our commitment to good corporate citizenship, Barnes & Noble considers local and national support requests from non-profit organizations that focus on literacy, the arts or education (pre-K – 12). We also consider sponsorship opportunities where we can partner with organizations that focus their core businesses on higher learning, literacy and the arts.
If you are a local literary, arts or educational organization seeking a sponsorship or donation from one of our stores, click here for our local criteria and policy.
If you are a national literary, arts or educational organization seeking a charitable donation or sponsorship opportunity from our corporate office, click here for our national criteria and policy.
In addition, we offer a limited number of sponsorships and donations to organizations that meet our mission. Opportunities must be located in the community or communities in which we operate, and serve the greater good of the local community or region. We seek partnerships that offer in-store events, visibility, and reach a wide audience.
For donations and sponsorships, submit your proposal to the community relations manager or store manager at your local Barnes & Noble store."
Barnes & Nobel does not have a grant program; however, they will offer a limited number of local sponsorships and organizations that meet their mission. This may be a good partnership opportunity. Applications are submitted to the local area store. Information about sponsorship and donation policies can be located at:
An overview of their program is as follows from their web site:
"As part of our commitment to good corporate citizenship, Barnes & Noble considers local and national support requests from non-profit organizations that focus on literacy, the arts or education (pre-K – 12). We also consider sponsorship opportunities where we can partner with organizations that focus their core businesses on higher learning, literacy and the arts.
If you are a local literary, arts or educational organization seeking a sponsorship or donation from one of our stores, click here for our local criteria and policy.
If you are a national literary, arts or educational organization seeking a charitable donation or sponsorship opportunity from our corporate office, click here for our national criteria and policy.
In addition, we offer a limited number of sponsorships and donations to organizations that meet our mission. Opportunities must be located in the community or communities in which we operate, and serve the greater good of the local community or region. We seek partnerships that offer in-store events, visibility, and reach a wide audience.
For donations and sponsorships, submit your proposal to the community relations manager or store manager at your local Barnes & Noble store."