Idaho Community Foundation
The Idaho Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity serving thousands of people in Idaho. Individuals, families, businesses and organizations create permanent charitable funds that help their region meet the challenges of changing times. The foundation invests and administers these funds. The foundation is overseen by a volunteer board of leading citizens and run by professionals with expertise in knowing their community’s needs. The mission of the Idaho Community Foundation is to “enrich the quality of life throughout Idaho.” The Foundation does not define what that means; rather, the Foundation invites communities statewide to describe - through the applications they submit - what is needed to make life better for the people in their town. Applying for a Competitive GrantApplications for competitive grants in the Southwestern, Eastern and Northern grants regions are accepted on a cyclical basis, with specific opening and closing dates. Only one region is available for grant seeking at any time. Look at the website for filing deadlines.
Organizations wishing to apply should review the Technical Instructions respecting online applications, as well as the current guidelines particular to the regional program in which they are interested Award and FrequencyOrganizations may apply for up to $5,000. Individuals are not eligible for the regional grant program.This award is given out on an annual basis.Who is Eligible to Apply? The Idaho Community Foundation invites applications from non-profit entities, recognized as such by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Qualifying organizations include:
210 West State StreetBoise, Idaho 83702(208) 342-3535 Jason Greetis, Systems Specialist[email protected] Some past grant recipients in Canyon County in 2009 include: --Advocates Against Family Violence, Inc., provide educational materialsand operation expenses for the Children & Parents Education Program andDaycare, $1,000--Boise Art Museum, Inc., toward the costs of ArtReach program instructors,$2,000--Caldwell Fine Arts Series, Inc., offer assemblies/workshops that providemulticultural experiences to students in Caldwell and other rural areas,$3,950--College of Idaho, install handicap access to the Whittenberger Planetarium,$2,500--Gem State Academy, purchase computer hardware and software, $1,000 Source:
Organizations wishing to apply should review the Technical Instructions respecting online applications, as well as the current guidelines particular to the regional program in which they are interested Award and FrequencyOrganizations may apply for up to $5,000. Individuals are not eligible for the regional grant program.This award is given out on an annual basis.Who is Eligible to Apply? The Idaho Community Foundation invites applications from non-profit entities, recognized as such by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Qualifying organizations include:
- Government entities, including subsidiaries and public educational institutions.
- Entities with current 501(c)3 not-for-profit status under IRS Code Section 170.
210 West State StreetBoise, Idaho 83702(208) 342-3535 Jason Greetis, Systems Specialist[email protected] Some past grant recipients in Canyon County in 2009 include: --Advocates Against Family Violence, Inc., provide educational materialsand operation expenses for the Children & Parents Education Program andDaycare, $1,000--Boise Art Museum, Inc., toward the costs of ArtReach program instructors,$2,000--Caldwell Fine Arts Series, Inc., offer assemblies/workshops that providemulticultural experiences to students in Caldwell and other rural areas,$3,950--College of Idaho, install handicap access to the Whittenberger Planetarium,$2,500--Gem State Academy, purchase computer hardware and software, $1,000 Source: