Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Grants
Our philanthropic activities are focused in the following areas. We are particularly interested in having applicants discuss how their work in these areas includes the social determinants of health and addresses the elimination of health disparities and inequities.
Programs, Activities and Organizations Not Considered for Funding
Non-Discrimination VerificationKaiser Permanente has an unwavering commitment to equal access and opportunity for all persons. Organizations applying for funding should be prepared to demonstrate that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, disability, medical condition or veteran status either in their employment or their service policies and practices.
Our philanthropic activities are focused in the following areas. We are particularly interested in having applicants discuss how their work in these areas includes the social determinants of health and addresses the elimination of health disparities and inequities.
- Community Health Initiatives. We support initiatives that seek to measurably improve health by addressing specific community health needs. We work with community-based organizations to design, deliver, and sustain long-term programs that engage residents in improving the conditions of their neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools so that they promote good health. We also support thought leadership and cultivation of the evidence base for effective primary prevention efforts. Currently, our grantmaking focus in this area is on environmental and policy approaches to healthy eating and active living.
- Safety Net Partnerships. We're committed to building and maintaining partnerships with community health centers, local health departments, and public hospitals. Through funding, technical assistance, and dissemination of care-management and quality-improvement technologies and practices, we aim to help these vital health care providers improve care and expand treatment capacity for the communities they serve.
- Care and Coverage for Low-Income People. We create and support programs that lower financial barriers so the uninsured and underinsured gain access to quality care. We support charity care, free or subsidized coverage, and programs that promote enrollment in Medicaid, S-CHIP, and other public programs. We also partner with key stakeholders to shape and inform policies on a range of issues, including universal coverage and improvements to public programs to enable them to better serve people who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, traditionally marginalized or excluded, and in need of care and coverage.
- Developing and Disseminating Knowledge. We are dedicated to advancing health through research, education and training. We aim to improve health care by sharing our knowledge—educating practitioners, advancing research, empowering consumers, and informing policymakers—about the evidence base for care and health.
Programs, Activities and Organizations Not Considered for Funding
- Golf tournaments
- Sports teams
- Individuals
- Religious organizations for religious purposes
- Partisan political activity
- Events or activities sponsored by alcohol or tobacco corporations
- Organizations which promote the use of alcohol or tobacco
Non-Discrimination VerificationKaiser Permanente has an unwavering commitment to equal access and opportunity for all persons. Organizations applying for funding should be prepared to demonstrate that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, disability, medical condition or veteran status either in their employment or their service policies and practices.