KeyBank Foundation
KeyBank Foundation
Purpose of the Foundation: The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, health, employment, financial education, human services, and diversity. Special emphasis is directed toward programs designed to promote economic self sufficiency. Limitations: Giving primarily in areas of company operations in AK, CO, ID, IN, KY, ME, MI, NY, OH, OR, UT, VT, and WA. Areas of Interest:DiversityThe foundation supports programs designed to foster an inclusive environment in which individuals of diverse backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to realize their full potential.Economic Self-SufficiencyThe foundation supports programs designed to help individuals achieve a comfortable standard of living and begin to build a secure future.Financial EducationThe foundation supports programs designed to increase the understanding and effective use of financial services, thus creating better and more productive lifestyles.Workforce InitiativesThe foundation supports programs designed to provide training that leads to greater workforce selection. Fields of Interest- Population Groups: African Americans/Blacks
Asians/Pacific Islanders
Economically disadvantaged
Indigenous peoples
Native Americans/American Indians
Physically disabled Contact Information: 800 Superior Ave., 1st Fl.
M.C. OH-01-02-0126
Cleveland, OH 44114-2601
Telephone: (216) 828-7349
Contact: Valerie Raines, Sr. Prog. Off.
Fax: (216) 828-7845
E-mail: [email protected]URL:
Purpose of the Foundation: The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, health, employment, financial education, human services, and diversity. Special emphasis is directed toward programs designed to promote economic self sufficiency. Limitations: Giving primarily in areas of company operations in AK, CO, ID, IN, KY, ME, MI, NY, OH, OR, UT, VT, and WA. Areas of Interest:DiversityThe foundation supports programs designed to foster an inclusive environment in which individuals of diverse backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to realize their full potential.Economic Self-SufficiencyThe foundation supports programs designed to help individuals achieve a comfortable standard of living and begin to build a secure future.Financial EducationThe foundation supports programs designed to increase the understanding and effective use of financial services, thus creating better and more productive lifestyles.Workforce InitiativesThe foundation supports programs designed to provide training that leads to greater workforce selection. Fields of Interest- Population Groups: African Americans/Blacks
Asians/Pacific Islanders
Economically disadvantaged
Indigenous peoples
Native Americans/American Indians
Physically disabled Contact Information: 800 Superior Ave., 1st Fl.
M.C. OH-01-02-0126
Cleveland, OH 44114-2601
Telephone: (216) 828-7349
Contact: Valerie Raines, Sr. Prog. Off.
Fax: (216) 828-7845
E-mail: [email protected]URL: