Nathan Cummings Foundation
Please address all letters of inquiry to:
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
475 Tenth Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10018
212-787-7300 and 212-787-7377 (fax)
The Foundation’s core programs include arts and culture; the environment; health; interprogram
initiatives for social and economic justice; and the Jewish life and values/contemplative practice
programs. The Foundation seeks to work with partners in the public, private, and nonprofit
Arts and Culture Guidelines
GOAL- To create a stronger and more socially just society by building the field of Art and Social
Justice and amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities.
Objective 1. ART: To support community-based artistic and cultural projects that illuminate
social and economic justice issues.
Objective 2. PRACTICE: To support convenings and training programs for artists, cultural
workers and community members that impart information and skills that can be used to achieve
social change.
Objective 3. COMMUNICATION: To support diverse media and innovative delivery systems
that document and disseminate the work of the field.
Objective 4. POLICY: To support public policies that strengthen artistic and cultural
communities and enable creators and their collaborators to create broad alliances in pursuit of
common goals.
Priority will be given to initiatives that:
* Have national or regional impact;
* Address issues that are timely and relevant;
* Involve participating artists or cultural institutions that demonstrate effective practices; and
* Have broad and innovative plans for the dissemination of the work.
Please address all letters of inquiry to:
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
475 Tenth Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10018
212-787-7300 and 212-787-7377 (fax)
The Foundation’s core programs include arts and culture; the environment; health; interprogram
initiatives for social and economic justice; and the Jewish life and values/contemplative practice
programs. The Foundation seeks to work with partners in the public, private, and nonprofit
Arts and Culture Guidelines
GOAL- To create a stronger and more socially just society by building the field of Art and Social
Justice and amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities.
Objective 1. ART: To support community-based artistic and cultural projects that illuminate
social and economic justice issues.
Objective 2. PRACTICE: To support convenings and training programs for artists, cultural
workers and community members that impart information and skills that can be used to achieve
social change.
Objective 3. COMMUNICATION: To support diverse media and innovative delivery systems
that document and disseminate the work of the field.
Objective 4. POLICY: To support public policies that strengthen artistic and cultural
communities and enable creators and their collaborators to create broad alliances in pursuit of
common goals.
Priority will be given to initiatives that:
* Have national or regional impact;
* Address issues that are timely and relevant;
* Involve participating artists or cultural institutions that demonstrate effective practices; and
* Have broad and innovative plans for the dissemination of the work.