The Laura Bush Foundation
The Laura Bush Foundation provides grants to school libraries across the country so they may purchase books and advance towards a higher literacy. The website has basic information and is easy to navigate through. The way it works is the foundation has an advisory committee of experts in children's literature, reading, and education that helps design the grant application and administer the grant process. The money used for these grants is raised by the Leadership Council of the Laura Bush Foundation. As of May 2010,the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries has Awarded more than $1,098,000 in Grants to School Libraries. I think any School Librarian experiencing a loss of funding or freeze on new acquisitions should consider this grant opportunity.
For grant information you can email us at [email protected] or contact Alicia Reid at the Community Foundation at 202.263.4774.
A direct link to the website:
or by traditional mail:
Laura Bush Foundation For America's Libraries
c/o Community Foundation for the
National Capital Region
1201 15th Street NW, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202.955.5890