U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank gives out cash donations to a variety of fields of interest. Program development and public libraries are both listed as interests/areas of funding. It doesn't appear there are strings attached to the cash donation, though I would assume perhaps some kind of sponsorship mention would be expected. That would certainly be a question to ask. There are regional representatives in every state (multiple by region w/in state). Deadlines are quarterly. Their mission statement is listed below as is the link to the page that contains it and the guidelines. It's good that it covers both low and moderate income areas. Sometimes the "middle class" (if there really is one anymore - sorry topic for another occasion) is left out, though many are pretty borderline.
U.S. Bancorp contributes to the strength and vitality of our communities through the Foundation charitable contributions program.
We seek to build strong partnerships and lasting value in our communities by supporting organizations that:
- improve the educational and economic opportunities of low- and moderate-income individuals and families
- enhance the cultural and artistic life of the communities in which we live and work