Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation
Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation
URL: http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/wgvalley/index.html
Geographic emphasis: Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, although there is no absolute geograpic limitation
Areas of interest:
Application Process:
The Foundation does not encourage lengthy application letters. The application letter should be concise and include the following:
1. Description and very brief history of the applicant organization. A short narrative on the success of the organization, including overall financial stability.
2. Description of the project.
3. Statement of the purpose and goals of the project.
4. Number of people that will benefit from the project.
5. References to outside sources, materials and research, if any, that have demonstrated a need for the proposed project.
6. Time frame in which the project will be undertaken and proof of a well-thoughtout business plan.
7. Documentation of the planning process of the project for which funds are sought.
8. Amount of funds requested from the Foundation.
9. The total cost of the project.
10. Other sources of funds for the project, including the current status of other funding requests.
11. Name(s) of person(s) in direct charge of project with brief biographical information. Include comments on qualifications and commitment of personnel.
12. How progress and success of the project will be measured.
The following attachments should be included with the application:
a) An income and expense budget for the project, to include projected sources of revenues.
b) A list of the Board of Directors and their business or professional affiliations.
c) IRS Letter of Determination of 501(c)(3) and public charity status, State of California Exemption Letter from the Franchise Tax Board, and letter from chief financial officer of the applicant stating that tax exempt and public charity status has not been revoked or modified.
d) A copy of the most recent audited financial statement of the applicant. If the applicant ended with an operating deficit in any of the last four fiscal years, an explanation of the reason and corrective action taken to remedy the loss.
e) A copy of the most recent fiscal year’s entire filed IRS Form 990 of the applicant, including all schedules. (The Foundation may request prior fiscal years, if needed).
URL: http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/wgvalley/index.html
Geographic emphasis: Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, although there is no absolute geograpic limitation
Areas of interest:
- Educational Fields: private and public colleges, universities, primary and secondary schools, early childhood education, technical and vocational schools, and other programs related to education
- Catholic Organizations
- Other Charities: Primarily focusing on medical research, health care, local parks and recreational facilities, and projects serving youth.
Application Process:
The Foundation does not encourage lengthy application letters. The application letter should be concise and include the following:
1. Description and very brief history of the applicant organization. A short narrative on the success of the organization, including overall financial stability.
2. Description of the project.
3. Statement of the purpose and goals of the project.
4. Number of people that will benefit from the project.
5. References to outside sources, materials and research, if any, that have demonstrated a need for the proposed project.
6. Time frame in which the project will be undertaken and proof of a well-thoughtout business plan.
7. Documentation of the planning process of the project for which funds are sought.
8. Amount of funds requested from the Foundation.
9. The total cost of the project.
10. Other sources of funds for the project, including the current status of other funding requests.
11. Name(s) of person(s) in direct charge of project with brief biographical information. Include comments on qualifications and commitment of personnel.
12. How progress and success of the project will be measured.
The following attachments should be included with the application:
a) An income and expense budget for the project, to include projected sources of revenues.
b) A list of the Board of Directors and their business or professional affiliations.
c) IRS Letter of Determination of 501(c)(3) and public charity status, State of California Exemption Letter from the Franchise Tax Board, and letter from chief financial officer of the applicant stating that tax exempt and public charity status has not been revoked or modified.
d) A copy of the most recent audited financial statement of the applicant. If the applicant ended with an operating deficit in any of the last four fiscal years, an explanation of the reason and corrective action taken to remedy the loss.
e) A copy of the most recent fiscal year’s entire filed IRS Form 990 of the applicant, including all schedules. (The Foundation may request prior fiscal years, if needed).